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HISTORY (continued)

About Us: Portfolio

Grand March to New Church

   The entire membership led by Pastor Reid marched from the old site to the new site singing praises to God. 

The Home Going of

Pastor Allison D. Reid

On September 24, 1981 after 19 years of faithful and loyal service, Pastor Reid was called from labor to reward.

1975 New Church Building.jpg

Calling of a

New Pastor

In February of 1982, Rev. Lenten Jackson Jr. was called to pastor UIBC. The installation service took place on March 29, 1982.

A New Addition

In April of 1993, the property just west of the church was purchased and the parking lot was extended. The church broke ground for a new fellowship hall. This new addition has been home to many outstanding events.

The Home Going of

Pastor Lenten Jackson Jr. 

On November 15, 2020, after serving faithfully and diligently for 38 years, Pastor Jackson went home to be with the Lord.


After the passing of Pastor Lenten Jackson, Jr., UIBC began a new chapter in its spiritual journey with the calling of Pastor Ray C. Jones.  Pastor Jones served from  August 22, 2021 - September 9, 2023.

Union Gets a New Pastor

We thank God for 77 years of His unconditional love!

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