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Our Mission is to make disciples and minister to the spiritual, physical, mental, emotional and educational needs of all people.
Our Vision is to preach, teach and share God's love to all humanity.

Our Articles of Faith which were adopted by Union Institutional at the time of inception in 1946 are:
The Scriptures -We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired by God.
The True God - We believe in One God, eternally existing as One Person in the Unity of the Godhead are three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
The Fall of Man - We believe man was created in a Holy state but because of disobedience, fell from grace.
The Way of Salvation - We believe we are saved by grace through faith in the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Justification - We believe that we are justified by the redeeming blood of Jesus, which includes the pardon of sin and the promise of eternal life that was bestowed upon us through death on the cross.
The Freeness of Salvation - We believe that Scriptures teach the blessing of salvation is made free to all by the Gospel and that it is the immediate duty of all to accept by faith this free gift of God.
Regeneration - We believe that Scriptures teach in order to be saved, sinners must be regenerated or born again.
Repentance and Faith - We believe that Scriptures teach repentance and faith are sacred duties, and also inseparable graces, wrought in our souls by the regenerating Spirit of God.
God's Purpose of Grace - We believe that Scriptures teach election is the eternal purpose of God.
Sanctification - We believe that Scriptures teach sanctification is the process by which, according to the will of God, we are made partakers of His holiness.
Perseverance of Saints - We believe that Scriptures teach that such only are real believers as endure to the end.
The Law and Gospel - We believe that Scriptures teach the Law of God is the eternal and unchangeable rule of His moral government; and is holy, just and good.
A Gospel Church - We believe that Scriptures teach a visible Church of Christ is a Congregation of Baptized believers, associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel.
Baptism and The Lord's Supper - We believe that Scriptures teach Baptism is
the immersion in water of a believer, in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We also believe that it is prerequisite to the privileges of a church relationship; and to the Lord's Supper in which members of the church, by the sacred use of bread and wine, are to commemorate together the dying love of Christ; proceeded always by solemn self-examination.